Tuesday, March 14, 2006


I'm getting depressed again. Or maybe I am always depressed and it just has peaks and troughs?
The Little Prince made me weep when I read it.

I'm reading The Eye of the World for The Arcanum on March 21. It's pretty good, although I have heard of the dangers of getting sucked into the entire series. Apparently Robert Jordan wasn't kidding when he named the series Wheel of Time.

I just read What Was She Thinking by Zoe Heller, which may have precipitated the depression. The writing and storyline were excellent, but the characters were a real downer. All kinds of psychological complexes in people with nearly zero redeeming traits.

I think that next I would like to pick up Gain by Richard Powers, and also a new children's book called The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane.


Annie Lee Phillips said...

How sad, I am commenting on my own blog. I feel better now. Writing about books makes me happy.

TBL said...

Here's a comment for you:
The painting you posted is really cool, but I can't tell if it's depressing or not, especially given the context of your blog. Who is it by? It's really cool.
I just started reading a book called The Pale Horseman by Bernard Cornwell, this time he's writing about the Viking invasions of the 8th and 9th centuries.