Thursday, October 19, 2006

Under the Banner of Heaven & The Information

I am currently reading Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer. He also wrote Into Thin Air and Into the Wild. Under the Banner of Heaven is about Mormonism, and more specifically, Mormon fundamenalists that practice polygamy. It was written a couple of years ago, but talks a lot about the group under Warren Jeffs (who just got busted for his huge polygamy group) as well as the guy who abducted Elizabth Smart. Krakauer also goes into the history of Mormonism, starting with Joseph Smith's visitation byt the angel Moroni. It is a VERY interesting book, and hard to put down. My mom said a lot of the way they treat women reminded her of the characters in The Handmaid's Tale, which is an awesome book. One of the women mentioned in Krakauer's book was married to a guy who became fundamentalist, and it got so that she wasn't allowed to handle money, dirve a car, or speak to people outside of their family unless he was there. Her husband even spanked her when she did something "wrong."

Coming up on the list will be No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy for the CSI Book Club, as well as Wicked and Storm Front (Dresden Files series) for The Arcanum.

I also got a lovely surprise present from my very dear friend Jenny. An Amazon box was waiting on my doorstep yesterday, and when I opened it it was the new Beck album, The Information. She has the best taste in music, and has introduced me to so many incredible things. I love her dearly.

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